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Hmm Chinese propaganda??? Interesting
Offer not applicable to some of the weirder state
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This is my OLV Labs account. Engineering, Science, Tech, Humor, Snark, History, etc. etc. Experimenting in the Universes. Basically, a Lumnifat of topics. OMG, I'm not keeping a FOCUS on one area or topic??? How will I build an audience that will follow my whimsical posts and buy my merch? (-: Step 1) Get Merchandise; Step 2) Nap; Step 3) I'll get back to you...
Made me laugh at the very least
I like the offer not available to some of the weirder states. lol
If I could I would. America is becoming ridicules. Axe the department of education, deport the world, ask for judges in the supreme court to stop other judges from stopping your ignorance. What are we anymore?