Neighbor in Maine, here legally for years, carried away. No information. Joining Rapid Response Teams, makes sense.The donor fund he mentions is
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This is my OLV Labs account. Engineering, Science, Tech, Humor, Snark, History, etc. etc. Experimenting in the Universes. Basically, a Lumnifat of topics. OMG, I'm not keeping a FOCUS on one area or topic??? How will I build an audience that will follow my whimsical posts and buy my merch? (-: Step 1) Get Merchandise; Step 2) Nap; Step 3) I'll get back to you...
I’m pretty sure America once took a strong stance against governments who came into people’s homes and kidnapped them. What bizarro land are we living in. Hope the family is ok and kudos to this guy.
I’ll try and get an update. If the guy and his nephew got shipped to a Kroger center, they are hellacious conditions ther.